Scotts Safegard Paint & Interior Protection

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How To Protect Paintwork

Nothing is more irritating than spotting chipped or damaged paintwork on your car, especially if you've only recently purchased your vehicle.

Whether it's unpleasant weather, bird droppings or abrasive cleaners, there are countless factors that can cause your paintwork to become damaged.

But how do you protect your car's paintwork and prevent your investment from losing any value due to damage? We explore the common causes of car paint damage, give top tips on paintwork protection methods and showcase Carbase's unique member's Paint Protection programme. Find out why the interior of your car is just as important.


Common Causes Of Paintwork Damage

There are several causes of car paintwork damage that drivers should be aware of. The most common are:

Winter Weather

The cold snap will soon be upon us, and with the winter weather comes an increased chance of your car's paintwork becoming damaged. Road salt, sleet and snow can cause significant, and sometimes permanent paintwork damage. If you live in an area susceptible to rain, or are located close to the sea, the sea salt or rain minerals can cause unsightly water spots that can be tricky to remove.

Bird Droppings

While we're told it is "good luck", bird droppings on your car can cause serious paintwork problems. The acidity found in dried bird droppings can cause permanent damage to car paint. Avoid causing more damage by scraping too hard to remove the dry bird droppings.

Abrasive Cleaners

Avoid using harsh scrapers or sponges when cleaning your car, as these can cause unwanted damage to paintwork. Instead, use a microfiber cloth or soft brush, which are less likely to cause scratches. When drying your car's bodywork, use light, circular motions and avoid harsh, scraping actions.



If a dead bug or insect finds its way onto your paintwork, try to remove it as soon as possible. Dead bugs are highly acidic, and if not removed quickly, could cause damage to your paintwork.

UV Rays

While we all love soaking up the sunshine, UV (ultraviolet) rays are harmful to a vehicle's paintwork. When exposed to sun for long periods, a car's paintwork can start to fade. Avoid this by keeping your car well protected under a cover or storing it in a garage if possible.

Fuel Stains

If diesel or petrol, engine oil or brake fluid comes into contact with the body of your car, it can lead to long-term damage and cause the paintwork to peel. Protect paintwork by wiping up any accidental fuel spillages or leaks straight away.

Car Paint Protection Methods Explained

There are several methods that can be used to protect your car's paintwork:


Wax enhances the colour of your paintwork, as well as protecting it. Waxing creates an additional layer of protection which sits above the top layer of paint (known as the clearcoat). This extra layer adds further protection and keeps the paintwork looking tip top.


Using polish alongside wax will add an additional layer of sparkly shine to your car. Polish helps revitalise a car's shine, which can fade overtime. Due to its abrasive properties, car polish can successfully remove marks and imperfections in the paintwork and, if applied regularly, will keep your car paintwork in great condition.

Ensure you follow instructions and only use as much polish as instructed - too much can damage the paint.

Ceramic coating

Ceramic coating creates an additional layer to protect car paintwork from the elements, similar to car wax. Like wax, ceramic coating is hydrophobic, and delivers robust protection against extreme weather conditions. Ceramic coating can be applied on top of additional protection already on the paintwork's surface and is applied either as a rub or through a spray bottle.

Ceramic coating works well if applied after you have polished your car, as it helps seal this protection with its ceramic coating.

Snow foam

Known for being one of the best alternatives to car shampoo, snow foam contains chemicals that help lift dirt from the paint surface unlike traditional shampoo products. Snow foam creates a deep clean which can be achieved easily and efficiently.

Clay bar

While clay bars aren't as well known, they offer a higher level of cleaning than a standard car clean. Made up of natural or synthetic materials, the resin compounds found within a clay bar remove dirt and pollutants that standard washes won't touch. They can be used to clean paint as well as glass, fibreglass and metal.

Devaluing your vehicle

Not only does damaged car paintwork look unattractive, failing to get scratches or damage repaired can significantly reduce a vehicle's re-sale value. It can also cause long-term rusting to the paintwork.


Paint Protection From Carbase

So, how can you keep your car looking in the same shiny condition as the day you drove it away while protecting its long-term value? Safeguard Paint Protection from Carbase is the solution.

Safeguard is a lifetime protection system for your vehicle, which delivers a locked-in deep gloss finish to enhance your car's bodywork and provide a protective layer.

Once applied, Safegard Paint Protection:

  • Enhances the appearance of any car
  • Repels water
  • Provides a protective barrier to protect paint from everyday pollutants
  • Removes the need to polish your vehicle for three years
  • Makes it far easier to achieve a superior shine when washing your car


When To Protect Your Car

It is important to keep your car well-maintained and looked after all year round. However, as we mentioned above, certain seasons and instances of motorway driving may mean you need to be more vigilant of potential paintwork damage.

Most methods of paint protection should be carried out regularly to ensure your car's bodywork stays in tip top condition. However, if you have recently had a scratch or dent repaired, this area should not be polished or waxed straight away.

Leave the repaired area for five days before attempting to treat it - this will allow any repaired paintwork to be fully cured before any extra finish is added.

Frequently asked questions

Is paint protection on a car worth it?

How long does paint protection last?

What is paint protection?